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Prescription Drug Take-Back Programs

Description of Strategy

Prescription Drug Take-Back is a strategy to safely collect old prescription medication for disposal. The strategy includes both publicizing and executing the event. The Drug Enforcement Administration recently completed its 14th National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. The aim of the program is to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposal, while educating the general public about the potential abuse of these medications (US Department of Justice, 2012). Because most non-medical prescription drug users obtain their drugs from friends/relatives, substance abuse prevention efforts have increasingly targeted the family medicine cabinet—attempting to cut off supply by offering a safe and secure method for drug disposal.

Also known as...

Take it Back!

Discussion of Effectiveness

Prescription & Other Drugs

The University of Wisconsin County, Population Health Institute, (2017) found evidence that drug disposal programs increase the collection and proper disposal of unused prescription drugs and reduces the amount of prescription drugs in the environment.